1st Austrian IUPAC Global Women Breakfast
We would like to cordially invite you to the 1st Austrian IUPAC Global Women Breakfast, which will be hosted by WoChem with financial support by the Royal Society of Chemistry!
This is a global event and is a great way to connect to other women (and men) in science all of the world!
As the breakfast is taking place quite early, it should also provide the possibility for women with children (also welcome!) to join.
The IUPAC theme for 2020 is: "Building bonds to create future leaders". Following the theme, we will create discussion forum and share experiences to help our future leaders in science.
Looking forward to see many of you there!!
Link to IUPAC website
Date and Venue
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Start: 10:00 am
University of Vienna
Faculty of Chemistry
Seminar room 2
Währinger Straße 42
1090 Vienna
Attendance is free, however for organizational reasons we kindly ask you to register through our website by Tuesday, February 11 2020, 16:00.
Unregistered participants are welcome as well!
Registration is now closed.
Organizing Committee
Evelyn Rampler, Claudia Cobos, Andrea Tanzer
GWB2020: iupac.org/gwb/2020
WoChem @ GWB2020: iupac.org/gwb/2020/1st-austrian-iupac-global-women-breakfast/
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