
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 17 von 17

REWIRE: REinforcing Women In REsearch

Benetton, S., Schaschl, H., Zinner, L., Vidnes, T., Grabner, L., Fuchslueger, L., Richter, A., Johnston, R., Calori, A., Ther, P., Schmidt Cernohorska, M., Dammermann, A., Spisiakova, E., Kaindl, K., Batstone, L., Jobst, K. S., Sposini, V., Likos, C., Kahn, R. J., Andrews, T., Molchanova, A., Stefanelli, U., Axyonova, V., Lecheler, S., Vider, J., Schweitzer, P., Miklaszewska, M., Weckwerth, W., Castejon Caballero, N., Marko, D., Mrovlje, M., Marchart, O., Saak, C., Mezger-Backus, E. H. G., Schnorr, S. L. & Berry, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die Synthese fluorierter seltener Zucker

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

FishTox: Neue Mikroalgen-Toxine

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 17 von 17


Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 492
Labuda, R, Bacher, M, Rosenau, T, Gratzl, H, Doppler, M, Hager, S, Marko, D, Wiesner, C, Očková, M, Ollinger, N, Wagner, M, Schüller, C & Strauss, J 2024, 'Chemical composition of anti-microbially active fractions derived from extract of filamentous fungus Keratinophyton Lemmensii including three novel bioactive compounds', Scientific Reports, Jg. 14, Nr. 1, 25310.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Torta, F, Hoffmann, N, Burla, B, Alecu, I, Arita, M, Bamba, T, Bennett, SAL, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Cala, MP, Camacho-Muñoz, D, Checa, A, Chen, M, Chocholoušková, M, Cinel, M, Chu-Van, E, Colsch, B, Coman, C, Connell, L, Sousa, BC, Dickens, AM, Fedorova, M, Eiríksson, FF, Gallart-Ayala, H, Ghorasaini, M, Giera, M, Guan, XL, Haid, M, Hankemeier, T, Harms, A, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hornemann, T, Hu, C, Hülsmeier, AJ, Huynh, K, Jones, CM, Ivanisevic, J, Izumi, Y, Köfeler, HC, Lam, SM, Lange, M, Lee, JC, Liebisch, G, Lippa, K, Lopez-Clavijo, AF, Manzi, M, Martinefski, MR, Wolrab, D, Ahrends, R & Wenk, MR 2024, 'Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards', Nature Communications, Jg. 15, Nr. 1, 8562.

Mosca, E, Federa, A, Pirker, C, Schosserer, M, Liendl, L, Eckhard, M, Sombke, A, Dömötör, O, Kirchhofer, D, Timelthaler, G, Baier, D, Gurschka, P, Gabler, L, Reithofer, M, Chin, JM, Elsayad, K, Englinger, B, Tahir, A, Kowol, CR & Berger, W 2024, 'The tyrosine kinase inhibitor Nintedanib induces lysosomal dysfunctionality: Role of protonation-dependent crystallization processes', Chemico-Biological Interactions, Jg. 403, 111243.

Louro, H, Vettorazzi, A, López de Cerain, A, Spyropoulou, A, Solhaug, A, Straumfors, A, Behr, AC, Mertens, B, Žegura, B, Fæste, CK, Ndiaye, D, Spilioti, E, Varga, E, Dubreil, E, Borsos, E, Crudo, F, Eriksen, GS, Snapkow, I, Henri, J, Sanders, J, Machera, K, Gaté, L, Le Hegarat, L, Novak, M, Smith, NM, Krapf, S, Hager, S, Fessard, V, Kohl, Y, Silva, MJ, Dirven, H, Dietrich, J & Marko, D 2024, 'Correction to: Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 2, (425-469), 10.1007/s00204-023-03636-8)', Archives of Toxicology, Jg. 98, Nr. 10, S. 3513-3514.

Kopczynski, D, Ejsing, CS, McDonald, JG, Bamba, T, Baker, ES, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Coman, C, Ellis, SR, Garrett, TJ, Griffiths, WJ, Guan, XL, Han, X, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hoffmann, N, Huynh, K, Lehmann, R, Jones, JW, Kaddurah-Daouk, R, Köfeler, HC, Meikle, PJ, Metz, TO, O’Donnell, VB, Saigusa, D, Schwudke, D, Shevchenko, A, Torta, F, Vizcaíno, JA, Welti, R, Wenk, MR, Wolrab, D, Xia, Y, Ekroos, K, Ahrends, R & Liebisch, G 2024, 'The lipidomics reporting checklist a framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data', Journal of Lipid Research, Jg. 65, Nr. 9, 100621.

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 492


Reliable Quantitative Finger Sweat Metabolome Analysis

Mathias Gotsmy , Julia Brunmair , Andrea Bileck , Astrid Slany , Samuel Matthias Meier-Menches , Christopher Gerner , Jürgen Zanghellini
ÖGMBT Life Science Tuesdays – Chemical Biology (virtual meeting)
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
23.2.2021 - 23.2.2021

Interplay between physical and chemical signals in cellular homeostasis: the exploring potential of the biophysical toxicology approach

Giorgia Del Favero
20.1.2021 - 20.1.2021

Expanding the analytical toolbox in lipidomics using novel liquid chromatography mass spectrometry workflows

Evelyn Rampler
18.11.2020 - 18.11.2020

High-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics applied in cancer research

Astrid Slany
Seminar „Moderne Analytische Chemie“ der Technischen Universität Wien
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
5.11.2020 - 5.11.2020

Biomolecular chemoreception in the regulation of metabolic functions

Barbara Lieder
Habilitationskolloquium Barbara Lieder (Video Conference)
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
4.11.2020 - 4.11.2020

Das süße Leben Geschmacksrezeptoren, Stoffwechsel, Übergewicht & Co

Barbara Lieder
Science: Das Wissenschaftsprogramm der Wiener Volkshochschulen
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
29.10.2020 - 29.10.2020

Die treibenden Kräfte des Myeloms

Astrid Slany
Österreichischer MYELOMTAG 2020
Konferenz, Vortrag
17.10.2020 - 17.10.2020

How accurate is my lipid quantification? Insights into internal standardization by uncertainty calculation

Harald Schöny , Evelyn Rampler , Yasin El Abiead , Felina Hildebrand , Gerrit Hermann , Gunda Köllensperger
<sup>8TH</sup> EUROPEAN LIPIDOMICS Meeting and <sup>6TH </sup>LIPIDOMICS FORUM<br/>
Konferenz, Vortrag
29.9.2020 - 29.9.2020

New approaches to target sweet taste

Barbara Lieder
8. Christian Doppler Forum
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
11.9.2020 - 11.9.2020

How to hit the sweet spot - Structure-dependent effects of taste-active compounds

Barbara Lieder
30.6.2020 - 30.6.2020

Multi-omics analyses of cancer development and progression under special consideration of the tumor microenvironment

Astrid Slany
25.5.2020 - 25.5.2020

Moving perspectives: bridging multi-imaging to multi-omics

Giorgia Del Favero
31st MassSpec Forum Vienna
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
25.2.2020 - 25.2.2020

Benchmarking (non-)targeted metabolomics and lipidomics using yeast derived libraries

Evelyn Rampler , Harald Schöny , Yasin El Abiead , Mate Rusz , Felina Hildebrand , Katharina Hohenwallner , Veronika Fitz , Gunda Köllensperger
Omics Virtual Events 2021
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
22.1.2020 - 22.1.2020

The power of LC-MS based multiomics to explore human adipogenesis

Evelyn Rampler , Dominik Egger , Harald Schöny , Mate Rusz , Cornelia Kasper , Thomas Nägele , Gunda Köllensperger
European RFMF Metabomeeting 2020
Konferenz, Vortrag
22.1.2020 - 22.1.2020

Novel strategies for toxicity testing of food contaminants: the integrated biophysical toxicology approach

Giorgia Del Favero
10.12.2019 - 10.12.2019

Analytical tools and strategies to get insights into tumor pathophysiologies

Astrid Slany
14.11.2019 - 14.11.2019

How to solve the limits in absolute quantification on reversed phase LC-MS-based lipidomics approaches? -A novel flow injection/ reversed phase LC-MS workflow with LILY as ISTD

Harald Schöny , Evelyn Rampler , Felina Hildebrand , Olivia Zach , Gerrit Hermann , Gunda Köllensperger
Lipidomics Forum 2019
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.11.2019 - 10.11.2019

Novel Microalgae Toxins

Elisabeth Varga , Matthias Riepl , Eva Attakpah , Daniel Killerup Svenssen , Sofie Bjornholt Binzer , Nikola Medic , Giorgia Del Favero , Per Juel Hansen , Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen , Doris Marko
22.10.2019 - 22.10.2019

Improved identification and quantification of human plasma SRM 1950 using LILY and LC-MS methods

Evelyn Rampler , Harald Schöny , Yasin El Abiead , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Gerrit Hermann , Gunda Köllensperger
17th Euro Fed Lipid Congress And Expo
Konferenz, Vortrag
20.10.2019 - 20.10.2019

Imunosuppressive activity of Alternaria toxins

Giorgia Del Favero , Doris Marko
WMFmeetsIUPAC 2019
Konferenz, Vortrag
14.10.2019 - 14.10.2019