Multiomics reveals altered lipid metabolism and signaling upon environmental enrichment in synaptic junctions
Cristina Coman
Maximilian Borgmeyer
Canan Has
Hans-Frieder Schott
Tingting Li
Philipp Westhoff
Hilaire Yam Fung Cheung
Nils Hoffmann
Michaela Schweizer
Michal Holcapek
Marina Mikhaylova
Michael R. Kreutz
Robert Ahrends
Omics Virtual Events 2021
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
9.11.2021 - 9.11.2021
Combinatory effects of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and alternariol with the gut microbiota metabolite Urolithin A on colon cancer epithelial barrier function in vitro
Julia Gröstlinger
Carina Seidl
Elisabeth Varga
Giorgia Del Favero
Doris Marko
ASTOX Mini-Symposium “Young Toxicologists”
5.11.2021 - 5.11.2021
Insights into the toxicity of prymnesins, toxic metabolites of the microalgae Prymnesium parvum
Elisabeth Varga
Matthias Riepl
Nadine Hochmayr
Helene-Christine Prause
Eva Attakpah
Giorgia Del Favero
Nikola Medic
Sofie Bjornholt Binzer
Per Juel Hansen
Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen
Doris Marko
ASTOX Mini-Symposium “Young Toxicologists”
5.11.2021 - 5.11.2021
Radiolabeling of [<sup>89</sup>Zr]Zr-Atezolizumab for its clinical evaluation in patient stratification for PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibition therapy
Julia Kronberger
E. de Vries
Marie Brandt
Thomas Mindt
Vienna Doctoral School of Chemistry Panel C Retreat 2021
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
5.11.2021 - 5.11.2021
Targeting membrane structure in intestinal cells: implications for biomechanical compliance and toxicity
Giorgia Del Favero
ASTOX Mini-Symposium “Young Toxicologists”
5.11.2021 - 5.11.2021
LC-MSn based glycolipidomics to monitor gangliosides and their potential as cell differentiation markers in human mesenchymal stem cells
Evelyn Rampler
Katharina Hohenwallner
Nina Nicole Troppmair
Lisa Panzenböck
Yasin El Abiead
Gunda Köllensperger
Juergen Hartler
Dominik Egger
69th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
31.10.2021 - 31.10.2021
A targeted lipidomics workflow to dissect sphingolipid metabolism in adipogenesis
Nina Nicole Troppmair
Robert Ahrends
1<sup>st</sup> DoSChem Retreat
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
20.10.2021 - 20.10.2021
Novel analytical methods for quantitative lipidomics and non-targeted metabolomics using high resolution mass spectrometry
Felina Hildebrand
Harald Schöny
Evelyn Rampler
Gunda Köllensperger
1<sup>st</sup> DoSChem Retreat
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
20.10.2021 - 20.10.2021
Studies of the physical and functional interaction between RecQ-like helicase 4 and DNA guanine quadruplex secondary structures
Meira Mankinen
Barbara Lieder
1<sup>st</sup> DoSChem Retreat
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
20.10.2021 - 20.10.2021
Systematic investigation of LC-MS miniaturization in wide-target small molecule bioanalysis - considerations for practical implementation
Veronika Fitz
Daniel Berger
Yasin El Abiead
Gunda Köllensperger
1<sup>st</sup> DoSChem Retreat
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
20.10.2021 - 20.10.2021
LC-MSn based glycolipidomics to monitor gangliosides and their potential as cell differentiation markers in human mesenchymal stem cells
Evelyn Rampler
Katharina Hohenwallner
Nina Nicole Troppmair
Lisa Panzenböck
Yasin El Abiead
Gunda Köllensperger
Juergen Hartler
Dominik Egger
18<sup>th</sup> Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo (On-line Meeting)
18.10.2021 - 18.10.2021
Systematic investigation of LC-MS miniaturization in wide-target small molecule bioanalysis - considerations for practical implementation
Veronika Fitz
Daniel Berger
Yasin El Abiead
Gunda Köllensperger
Innovation Summit - Thermo Fisher Scientific Virtual Symposium 2021
18.10.2021 - 18.10.2021
Identification of extracellular vesicles as functional modulators of proton secretion in human parietal cells in culture
Agnes Mistlberger-Reiner
Sonja Katharina Sterneder
Siegfried Reipert
Sara Wolske
Veronika Somoza
ASEV Annual Meeting on Extracellular Vesicles 2021
15.10.2021 - 15.10.2021
Multiomics analysis using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry
Evelyn Rampler
14.10.2021 - 14.10.2021
Insights into the toxicity of prymnesins, toxic metabolites of the microalgae Prymnesium parvum
Elisabeth Varga
Matthias Riepl
Nadine Hochmayr
Helene-Christine Prause
Eva Attakpah
Giorgia Del Favero
Nikola Medic
Sofie Bjornholt Binzer
Per Juel Hansen
Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen
Doris Marko
19th International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA)
10.10.2021 - 10.10.2021
LipidCreator workbench to probe the lipidomics landscape
Bing Peng
Dominik Kopczynski
Cristina Coman
Nils Hoffmann
Robert Ahrends
1st joint ILS Annual Conference and 7th Lipidomics Forum 2021
7.10.2021 - 7.10.2021
A novel lipid droplet specific LC-MSn workflow for investigating therapy-resistance mechanisms in human colon cancer
Katharina Hohenwallner
Dina Baier
Theresa Mendrina
Harald Schöny
Gunda Köllensperger
Walter Berger
Evelyn Rampler
1st joint ILS Annual Conference and 7th Lipidomics Forum 2021
5.10.2021 - 5.10.2021
Multiomics of synaptic junctions reveals altered lipid metabolism and signaling upon environmental enrichment
Cristina Coman
Maximilian Borgmeyer
Canan Has
Hans-Frieder Schott
Tingting Li
Philipp Westhoff
Hilaire Yam Fung Cheung
Nils Hoffmann
Michaela Schweizer
Michal Holcapek
Marina Mikhaylova
Michael R. Kreutz
Robert Ahrends
1st joint ILS Annual Conference and 7th Lipidomics Forum 2021
5.10.2021 - 5.10.2021
Glycolipidomics to monitor plants as indicators for climate change
Evelyn Rampler
Environmental Research Network (ERN) Flash Talks
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
23.9.2021 - 23.9.2021
Identification of linked metabolites allows a reliable and quantitative analysis of the finger sweat
Mathias Gotsmy
Julia Brunmair
Andrea Bileck
Astrid Slany
Samuel Matthias Meier-Menches
Christopher Gerner
Jürgen Zanghellini
1st DoSChem International Student Symposium
23.9.2021 - 23.9.2021