
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 18 von 18

Phosphonat-basierte Enzyminhibitoren

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

REWIRE: REinforcing Women In REsearch

Benetton, S., Schaschl, H., Zinner, L., Vidnes, T., Grabner, L., Fuchslueger, L., Richter, A., Johnston, R., Calori, A., Ther, P., Schmidt Cernohorska, M., Dammermann, A., Spisiakova, E., Kaindl, K., Batstone, L., Jobst, K. S., Sposini, V., Likos, C., Kahn, R. J., Andrews, T., Molchanova, A., Stefanelli, U., Axyonova, V., Lecheler, S., Vider, J., Schweitzer, P., Miklaszewska, M., Weckwerth, W., Castejon Caballero, N., Marko, D., Mrovlje, M., Marchart, O., Saak, C., Mezger-Backus, E. H. G., Schnorr, S. L. & Berry, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die Synthese fluorierter seltener Zucker

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Improvement of taste perception by homoeriodictyol in cancer patients after chemotherapy

Somoza, V., Mistlberger-Reiner, A. & Grimm, C.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

FishTox: Neue Mikroalgen-Toxine

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 18 von 18


Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 494
Benkhoff, M, Barcik, M, Mourikis, P, Dahlmanns, J, Kahmann, P, Wollnitzke, P, Hering, M, Huckenbeck, T, Hoppe, J, Semleit, N, Deister-Jonas, J, Zako, S, Seel, J, Coman, C, Barth, M, Cramer, M, Helten, C, Wildeis, L, Hu, H, Al-Kassis, G, Metzen, D, Hesse, J, Weber, J, Dannenberg, L, Akhyari, P, Lichtenberg, A, Quast, C, Gerdes, N, Zeus, T, Borst, O, Kelm, M, Petzold, T, Ahrends, R, Levkau, B & Polzin, A 2025, 'Targeting Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Signaling to Prevent the Progression of Aortic Valve Disease', Circulation, Jg. 151, Nr. 4, S. 333-347.

Rafailović, LD, Noisternig, SM, Bischoff, J, Rentenberger, C, Bautista – Anguis, D, Sheng, H, Gammer, C, Chin, JM, Elbataioui, A, Zhang, H, Eckert, J & Trišović, TL 2025, 'Enhanced Control of Single Crystalline Ag Dendritic Growth on Al Foil via Galvanic Displacement and Simultaneous Oxidation of D-Glucose', Small Science.

Labuda, R, Bacher, M, Rosenau, T, Gratzl, H, Doppler, M, Hager, S, Marko, D, Wiesner, C, Očková, M, Ollinger, N, Wagner, M, Schüller, C & Strauss, J 2024, 'Chemical composition of anti-microbially active fractions derived from extract of filamentous fungus Keratinophyton Lemmensii including three novel bioactive compounds', Scientific Reports, Jg. 14, Nr. 1, 25310.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Torta, F, Hoffmann, N, Burla, B, Alecu, I, Arita, M, Bamba, T, Bennett, SAL, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Cala, MP, Camacho-Muñoz, D, Checa, A, Chen, M, Chocholoušková, M, Cinel, M, Chu-Van, E, Colsch, B, Coman, C, Connell, L, Sousa, BC, Dickens, AM, Fedorova, M, Eiríksson, FF, Gallart-Ayala, H, Ghorasaini, M, Giera, M, Guan, XL, Haid, M, Hankemeier, T, Harms, A, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hornemann, T, Hu, C, Hülsmeier, AJ, Huynh, K, Jones, CM, Ivanisevic, J, Izumi, Y, Köfeler, HC, Lam, SM, Lange, M, Lee, JC, Liebisch, G, Lippa, K, Lopez-Clavijo, AF, Manzi, M, Martinefski, MR, Wolrab, D, Ahrends, R & Wenk, MR 2024, 'Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards', Nature Communications, Jg. 15, Nr. 1, 8562.

Mosca, E, Federa, A, Pirker, C, Schosserer, M, Liendl, L, Eckhard, M, Sombke, A, Dömötör, O, Kirchhofer, D, Timelthaler, G, Baier, D, Gurschka, P, Gabler, L, Reithofer, M, Chin, JM, Elsayad, K, Englinger, B, Tahir, A, Kowol, CR & Berger, W 2024, 'The tyrosine kinase inhibitor Nintedanib induces lysosomal dysfunctionality: Role of protonation-dependent crystallization processes', Chemico-Biological Interactions, Jg. 403, 111243.

Prause, HC, Berk, D, Alves-de-Souza, C, Hansen, PJ, Larsen, TO, Marko, D, Favero, GD, Place, A & Varga, E 2024, 'How relevant are sterols in the mode of action of prymnesins?', Aquatic Toxicology, Jg. 276, 107080.

Louro, H, Vettorazzi, A, López de Cerain, A, Spyropoulou, A, Solhaug, A, Straumfors, A, Behr, AC, Mertens, B, Žegura, B, Fæste, CK, Ndiaye, D, Spilioti, E, Varga, E, Dubreil, E, Borsos, E, Crudo, F, Eriksen, GS, Snapkow, I, Henri, J, Sanders, J, Machera, K, Gaté, L, Le Hegarat, L, Novak, M, Smith, NM, Krapf, S, Hager, S, Fessard, V, Kohl, Y, Silva, MJ, Dirven, H, Dietrich, J & Marko, D 2024, 'Correction to: Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 2, (425-469), 10.1007/s00204-023-03636-8)', Archives of Toxicology, Jg. 98, Nr. 10, S. 3513-3514.

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 494


Exploring the sweet spot: Sensorial and metabolic properties of sweet tasting compounds

Barbara Lieder
13<sup>th</sup> Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry &amp; Biology
Konferenz, Vortrag
3.10.2023 - 3.10.2023

Ultraviolet Photodissociation and Electron-Activated Dissociation Fragmentation Strategies for the Structural Characterization of Gangliosides

Katharina Hohenwallner , Marlene Pühringer , Leonida M. Lamp , Harald Schöny , Gunda Köllensperger , Gavin Reid , Jürgen Hartler , Evelyn Rampler
APMRS 2023
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.9.2023 - 27.9.2023

Controlling MOF materials across multiple length scales

Jia Min Chin
5th European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers
Konferenz, Vortrag
24.9.2023 - 24.9.2023

Unlocking the Potential of Microalgae as Bio-factories of Polar Lipids: A Lipidomic and Bioactivity Perspective

Natalia Castejon Caballero , Marlene Pühringer , Evelyn Rampler , Doris Marko
19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo
Konferenz, Vortrag
17.9.2023 - 17.9.2023

Glycolipidomics and diversity empowerment strategies in the field of mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler , Katharina Hohenwallner , Marlene Pühringer , Gavin Reid , Gunda Köllensperger , Dominik Egger , Jürgen Hartler , Erin S. Baker , Kaylie I. Kirkwood , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Maggie Tam , Marissa A. Jones , Melissa Sherman
43rd BMSS Annual Meeting
Konferenz, Vortrag
12.9.2023 - 12.9.2023

Evaluation of two albumin-targeting moieties as in situ binders in comparison to maleimide

Anja Federa , H. Schueffl , Alexander Kastner , Julia Kronberger , Bernhard Keppler , Thomas Mindt , P. Heffeter , Christian Kowol
6<sup>th</sup> EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
3.9.2023 - 3.9.2023

Controlling MOF materials across multiple length scales

Jia Min Chin
The 2nd Hebrew University – The University of Vienna<br/>Workshop on Bio-, Inorganic-, Organic Chemistry and Catalysis
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
2.9.2023 - 2.9.2023

Metabolie pathways revealed - from marine microbes to modern diagnostics

Katharina Pallitsch
30.8.2023 - 30.8.2023

Accurate lipid quantification without fragmentation bias

Kai Schuhmann , Nina Nicole Troppmair , Cristina Coman
8<sup>th </sup>Lipidomics Forum (iLS 2023)
Konferenz, Vortrag
27.8.2023 - 27.8.2023

Alternariol-sulfates as neglected conjugation products with toxicological potential

Eszter Borsos , Luca Dellafiora , Chiara Dall'Asta , Giorgia Del Favero , Elisabeth Varga , Doris Marko
3<sup>rd</sup> International DoSChem Student Symposium
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.7.2023 - 6.7.2023

Functional mesoporous silica nanoparticles towards oral delivery of insulin

Claudia Iriarte Mesa , Estelle Juère , Endre Kiss , Andrea Bileck , Christopher Gerner , Freddy Kleitz , Doris Marko , Giorgia Del Favero
16th International conference on materials chemistry (MC16)
Konferenz, Vortrag
3.7.2023 - 3.7.2023

Organo-functionalized silicas for selective solid-phase extraction of critical materials

Justyna Agata Florek , Dominik Larivière , Hanspeter Kählig , Sonia L. Fiorilli , Barbara Onida , Frederic-Georges Fontaine , Freddy Kleitz
9<sup>th</sup> Conference of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA 2023)
Konferenz, Vortrag
2.7.2023 - 2.7.2023

Verbesserung der Geschmackswahrnehmung durch Homoeriodictyol (HED) bei Krebspatientinnen nach Chemotherapie

Sofie Zehentner , Agnes Mistlberger-Reiner , Elisabeth Wachter , Katja Bacovsky , Michelle Friedrich , Philip Pirkwieser , Sophie Pils , Christoph Grimm , Veronika Somoza
27.6.2023 - 27.6.2023

Unraveling the secrets of cell motility: from images to -omics with the help of bioinformatics

Giorgia Del Favero , Maximilian Jobst , Livia Gruber , Jiri Hladuvka , Christopher Gerner
11th Visegrad symposium on biomolecular interactions
Konferenz, Vortrag
20.6.2023 - 20.6.2023

Quantitative metabolomics – the power of isotopically labelled biomass

Harald Schöny , Veronika Fitz , Lisa Panzenböck , Felina Hildebrand , Gunda Köllensperger
HPLC 2023
Konferenz, Vortrag
18.6.2023 - 18.6.2023

Alternariol-sulfates as neglected conjugation products with toxicological potential

Eszter Borsos , Luca Dellafiora , Chiara Dall'Asta , Giorgia Del Favero , Elisabeth Varga , Doris Marko
44th Mycotoxin-Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
5.6.2023 - 5.6.2023

New challenges in genotoxicity testing: the case of the Alternaria mycotoxins alternariol and altertoxin II

Francesco Crudo , Chenyifan Hong , Vanessa Partsch , Giorgia Del Favero , Luca Dellafiora , Doris Marko
44th Mycotoxin-Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
5.6.2023 - 5.6.2023

Die Süße des Lebens – wie wichtig ist sie uns?

Barbara Lieder
Nutrition 2023
Konferenz, Vortrag
1.6.2023 - 1.6.2023

Exploring chemistry at interfaces - a curiosity driven journey into materials science

Jia Min Chin
European Chemistry School for Ukrainians
Summer/Winter School, Vortrag
1.6.2023 - 1.6.2023

Microalgae as green factories of lipids: insights from lipidomic analysis and bioactivity testing

Natalia Castejon Caballero , Marlene Pühringer , Evelyn Rampler , Doris Marko
2023 AOCS Annual Meeting &amp; Expo
Konferenz, Vortrag
30.4.2023 - 30.4.2023