
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 17 von 17

REWIRE: REinforcing Women In REsearch

Benetton, S., Schaschl, H., Zinner, L., Vidnes, T., Grabner, L., Fuchslueger, L., Richter, A., Johnston, R., Calori, A., Ther, P., Schmidt Cernohorska, M., Dammermann, A., Spisiakova, E., Kaindl, K., Batstone, L., Jobst, K. S., Sposini, V., Likos, C., Kahn, R. J., Andrews, T., Molchanova, A., Stefanelli, U., Axyonova, V., Lecheler, S., Vider, J., Schweitzer, P., Miklaszewska, M., Weckwerth, W., Castejon Caballero, N., Marko, D., Mrovlje, M., Marchart, O., Saak, C., Mezger-Backus, E. H. G., Schnorr, S. L. & Berry, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die Synthese fluorierter seltener Zucker

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

FishTox: Neue Mikroalgen-Toxine

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 17 von 17


Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 492
Labuda, R, Bacher, M, Rosenau, T, Gratzl, H, Doppler, M, Hager, S, Marko, D, Wiesner, C, Očková, M, Ollinger, N, Wagner, M, Schüller, C & Strauss, J 2024, 'Chemical composition of anti-microbially active fractions derived from extract of filamentous fungus Keratinophyton Lemmensii including three novel bioactive compounds', Scientific Reports, Jg. 14, Nr. 1, 25310.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Torta, F, Hoffmann, N, Burla, B, Alecu, I, Arita, M, Bamba, T, Bennett, SAL, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Cala, MP, Camacho-Muñoz, D, Checa, A, Chen, M, Chocholoušková, M, Cinel, M, Chu-Van, E, Colsch, B, Coman, C, Connell, L, Sousa, BC, Dickens, AM, Fedorova, M, Eiríksson, FF, Gallart-Ayala, H, Ghorasaini, M, Giera, M, Guan, XL, Haid, M, Hankemeier, T, Harms, A, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hornemann, T, Hu, C, Hülsmeier, AJ, Huynh, K, Jones, CM, Ivanisevic, J, Izumi, Y, Köfeler, HC, Lam, SM, Lange, M, Lee, JC, Liebisch, G, Lippa, K, Lopez-Clavijo, AF, Manzi, M, Martinefski, MR, Wolrab, D, Ahrends, R & Wenk, MR 2024, 'Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards', Nature Communications, Jg. 15, Nr. 1, 8562.

Mosca, E, Federa, A, Pirker, C, Schosserer, M, Liendl, L, Eckhard, M, Sombke, A, Dömötör, O, Kirchhofer, D, Timelthaler, G, Baier, D, Gurschka, P, Gabler, L, Reithofer, M, Chin, JM, Elsayad, K, Englinger, B, Tahir, A, Kowol, CR & Berger, W 2024, 'The tyrosine kinase inhibitor Nintedanib induces lysosomal dysfunctionality: Role of protonation-dependent crystallization processes', Chemico-Biological Interactions, Jg. 403, 111243.

Louro, H, Vettorazzi, A, López de Cerain, A, Spyropoulou, A, Solhaug, A, Straumfors, A, Behr, AC, Mertens, B, Žegura, B, Fæste, CK, Ndiaye, D, Spilioti, E, Varga, E, Dubreil, E, Borsos, E, Crudo, F, Eriksen, GS, Snapkow, I, Henri, J, Sanders, J, Machera, K, Gaté, L, Le Hegarat, L, Novak, M, Smith, NM, Krapf, S, Hager, S, Fessard, V, Kohl, Y, Silva, MJ, Dirven, H, Dietrich, J & Marko, D 2024, 'Correction to: Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 2, (425-469), 10.1007/s00204-023-03636-8)', Archives of Toxicology, Jg. 98, Nr. 10, S. 3513-3514.

Kopczynski, D, Ejsing, CS, McDonald, JG, Bamba, T, Baker, ES, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Coman, C, Ellis, SR, Garrett, TJ, Griffiths, WJ, Guan, XL, Han, X, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hoffmann, N, Huynh, K, Lehmann, R, Jones, JW, Kaddurah-Daouk, R, Köfeler, HC, Meikle, PJ, Metz, TO, O’Donnell, VB, Saigusa, D, Schwudke, D, Shevchenko, A, Torta, F, Vizcaíno, JA, Welti, R, Wenk, MR, Wolrab, D, Xia, Y, Ekroos, K, Ahrends, R & Liebisch, G 2024, 'The lipidomics reporting checklist a framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data', Journal of Lipid Research, Jg. 65, Nr. 9, 100621.

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 492


Unravelling the effect of deoxynivalenol on A431 cells: Proteome profiling and imaging

Giorgia Del Favero , Lukas Janker , Benjamin Neuditschko , Lydia Wölflingseder , Christopher Gerner , Doris Marko
Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2018
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
6.7.2018 - 6.7.2018


Astrid Slany
2.7.2018 - 2.7.2018

Toxicity of Mycotoxins

Doris Marko , Benedikt Warth , Giorgia Del Favero
Mycotoxin Summer Academy
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
2.7.2018 - 2.7.2018

Aroma compounds: more than just taste

Agnes Reiner
Silbersalz - Wissenschaftsfilmfestival
Konferenz, Vortrag
29.6.2018 - 29.6.2018

Breaking the Wall of Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

Agnes Reiner
AIT Symposium: Empowering Innovation Tomorrow by Basic Research Today
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
29.6.2018 - 29.6.2018

Combinatory effects of glutathione-modulation on the toxicity of deoxynivalenol (DON) and NX-3 and its co-regulated metabolite butenolide (BUT)

Lydia Wölflingseder , Giorgia Del Favero , Elke Heiß , Gerhard Adam , Doris Marko
40th Mycotoxin Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
11.6.2018 - 11.6.2018

Curcumin exerts its antitumor effects in a context dependent fashion

Lukas Janker , Dominique Kreutz , Chomdao Sinthuvanich , Andrea Bileck , Astrid Slany , Christopher Gerner
14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
4.5.2018 - 4.5.2018

Image analysis and proteomic profiling: complementary tools for toxicity studies

Giorgia Del Favero , Lydia Wölflingseder , Lukas Janker , Benjamin Neuditschko , Christopher Gerner , Doris Marko
14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
4.5.2018 - 4.5.2018

Standardization in metabolomics and lipidomics workflows

Evelyn Rampler , Gerrit Hermann , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Yasin El Abiead , Harald Schöny , Gunda Köllensperger
Analytica 2018: 26. Internationale Leitmesse für Labortechnik, Analytik, Biotechnologie und analytica Conference
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.4.2018 - 10.4.2018

Periodic mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles as potential drug delivery vehicles

Siegfried Fürtauer , Justyna Agata Florek , Freddy Kleitz
10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (10. WACÖ)
Konferenz, Vortrag
26.3.2018 - 26.3.2018

Die Herausforderungen bei der Identifizierung von polaren Stoffwechselprodukten in Zellen

Michaela Schwaiger , Yasin El Abiead , Evelyn Rampler , Gunda Köllensperger
35. Forum Analytik
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
13.2.2018 - 13.2.2018

From microscopy to numbers: the long way of image analysis

Giorgia Del Favero
Institutsseminar des Institus für Analytische Chemie
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
30.11.2017 - 30.11.2017


Agnes Reiner
Falling Walls
Konferenz, Vortrag
8.11.2017 - 8.11.2017

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast. Novel quantitative lipidomics workflows based on 13C reference lipids and HRMS.

Evelyn Rampler , H. Schoeny , B. M. Mitic , Michaela Schwaiger , Gerrit Hermann , Yasin El Abiead , D. Peake , A. Criscuolo , M. Zeller , K. Cook , B. Delanghe , Gunda Köllensperger
Thermo Metabolomics Seminar
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
27.9.2017 - 27.9.2017

A new general strategy for the synthesis of proteinogenic α-aminophosphonic acids of high enantiomeric excess

Katharina Pallitsch , Thomas Kalina
17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017
Konferenz, Vortrag
25.9.2017 - 28.9.2017


Justyna Agata Florek
17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017
Konferenz, Vortrag
25.9.2017 - 25.9.2017

Efficient Mesoporous Silica and Carbon Sorbents for Rare Earth Separation

Justyna Agata Florek
17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017
Konferenz, Vortrag
25.9.2017 - 25.9.2017

Implications of flavor-active compounds for lipid metabolism

Barbara Lieder , Julia Katharina Hoi , Veronika Somoza
15th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium
Konferenz, Vortrag
19.9.2017 - 19.9.2017

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast 13C labeled lipid applications based on C30 RP chromatography coupled to high resolution MS with the Fusion Lumos

Evelyn Rampler , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Gerrit Hermann , Yasin El Abiead , David A. Peake , Angela Criscuolo , Martin Zeller , Ken Cook , Bernard Delanghe , Gunda Köllensperger
Thermo Metabolomics Seminar
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
17.9.2017 - 17.9.2017

Aging-related proteome alterations in B cells may predispose for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Rupert Laurenz Mayer , Astrid Slany , Andrea Bileck , Johanna Mader , Samuel Matthias Meier , Tobias Pukrop , Albrecht Reichle , Josef D. Schwarzmeier , Christopher Gerner
APRS 2017
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.9.2017 - 6.9.2017