
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 476



Labuda, R, Bacher, M, Rosenau, T, Gratzl, H, Doppler, M, Hager, S, Marko, D, Wiesner, C, Očková, M, Ollinger, N, Wagner, M, Schüller, C & Strauss, J 2024, 'Chemical composition of anti-microbially active fractions derived from extract of filamentous fungus Keratinophyton Lemmensii including three novel bioactive compounds', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, 25310.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Torta, F, Hoffmann, N, Burla, B, Alecu, I, Arita, M, Bamba, T, Bennett, SAL, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Cala, MP, Camacho-Muñoz, D, Checa, A, Chen, M, Chocholoušková, M, Cinel, M, Chu-Van, E, Colsch, B, Coman, C, Connell, L, Sousa, BC, Dickens, AM, Fedorova, M, Eiríksson, FF, Gallart-Ayala, H, Ghorasaini, M, Giera, M, Guan, XL, Haid, M, Hankemeier, T, Harms, A, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hornemann, T, Hu, C, Hülsmeier, AJ, Huynh, K, Jones, CM, Ivanisevic, J, Izumi, Y, Köfeler, HC, Lam, SM, Lange, M, Lee, JC, Liebisch, G, Lippa, K, Lopez-Clavijo, AF, Manzi, M, Martinefski, MR, Wolrab, D, Ahrends, R & Wenk, MR 2024, 'Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 8562.

Duswald, K, Pichler, V, Kopatz, V, Limberger, T, Karl, V, Wimberger, D, Zimmerleiter, R, Wadsak, W, Hettich, M, Kenner, L & Brandstetter, M 2024 'Detection of Unlabeled Micro- and Nanoplastics in Unstained Tissue with Optical Photothermal Infrared Spectroscopy'.

Prause, HC, Berk, D, Alves-de-Souza, C, Hansen, PJ, Larsen, TO, Marko, D, Favero, GD, Place, A & Varga, E 2024, 'How relevant are sterols in the mode of action of prymnesins?', Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 276, 107080.

Dick, L, Batista, PR, Zaby, P, Manhart, G, Kopatz, V, Kogler, L, Pichler, V, Grebien, F, Bakos, V, Plósz, BG, Kolev, NZ, Kenner, L, Kirchner, B & Hollóczki, O 2024, 'The adsorption of drugs on nanoplastics has severe biological impact', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, 25853.

Louro, H, Vettorazzi, A, López de Cerain, A, Spyropoulou, A, Solhaug, A, Straumfors, A, Behr, AC, Mertens, B, Žegura, B, Fæste, CK, Ndiaye, D, Spilioti, E, Varga, E, Dubreil, E, Borsos, E, Crudo, F, Eriksen, GS, Snapkow, I, Henri, J, Sanders, J, Machera, K, Gaté, L, Le Hegarat, L, Novak, M, Smith, NM, Krapf, S, Hager, S, Fessard, V, Kohl, Y, Silva, MJ, Dirven, H, Dietrich, J & Marko, D 2024, 'Correction to: Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 2, (425-469), 10.1007/s00204-023-03636-8)', Archives of Toxicology, vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 3513-3514.

Kopczynski, D, Ejsing, CS, McDonald, JG, Bamba, T, Baker, ES, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Coman, C, Ellis, SR, Garrett, TJ, Griffiths, WJ, Guan, XL, Han, X, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hoffmann, N, Huynh, K, Lehmann, R, Jones, JW, Kaddurah-Daouk, R, Köfeler, HC, Meikle, PJ, Metz, TO, O’Donnell, VB, Saigusa, D, Schwudke, D, Shevchenko, A, Torta, F, Vizcaíno, JA, Welti, R, Wenk, MR, Wolrab, D, Xia, Y, Ekroos, K, Ahrends, R & Liebisch, G 2024, 'The lipidomics reporting checklist a framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data', Journal of Lipid Research, vol. 65, no. 9, 100621.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 476


Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8

Prone Adiposity

Rampler, E.

Project: Research funding

The synthesis of fluorinated rare sugars

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

FishTox: Novel microalgae toxins

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Project: Research funding

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8


Deoxynivalenol and A431 epidermoid squamous carcinoma cells: proteomic profiling reveals the pathways connecting ribosomal inhibition with a loss of function of the cell membrane

Lukas Janker , Benjamin Neuditschko , Julia Hohenbichler , Lydia Wölflingseder , Christopher Gerner , Doris Marko , Giorgia Del Favero
30th MassSpec Forum Vienna
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
19.2.2019 - 19.2.2019

Improved identification and quantification of human plasma SRM 1950 using LILY and LC-MS methods

Evelyn Rampler , Harald Schöny , Yasin El Abiead , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Gerrit Hermann , Gunda Köllensperger
30th MassSpec Forum Vienna
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
19.2.2019 - 19.2.2019

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast

Evelyn Rampler
30th MassSpec Forum Vienna
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
19.2.2019 - 19.2.2019

Characterization of the response of melanoma cells to physical/chemical challenges

Giorgia Del Favero
Research Day University of Vienna -TAU: collaboration on melanoma brain metastasis
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
6.12.2018 - 6.12.2018

Nrf2 and the intestine: chemical and physical regulators to highlight the difference between non-transformed intestinal epithelial cells and colorectal adenocarcinoma

Giorgia Del Favero , Doris Marko
3rd Congress of Polish Biosciences: BIO 2018
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
18.9.2018 - 18.9.2018

Nanoporous Organo-functionalized Materials as Selective Sorbents for Rare Earth Extraction

Justyna Agata Florek , Dominic Larivière , Freddy Kleitz
International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2018 - 3.9.2018

In-depth proteome profiling of primary human myeloma cells: new insights into hypoxia driven metabolic, anti-apoptotic and immune evasion strategies

Astrid Slany , Lukas Janker , Rupert Laurenz Mayer , Andrea Bileck , Dominique Kreutz , Johanna Mader , Hermine Agis , Christopher Gerner
The Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Research Symposium APMRS 2018
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.8.2018 - 29.8.2018

Synthesis of 1-fluoro-1-deoxysedoheptulose - a possible new PET-tracer for tumour imaging

Katharina Pallitsch
7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2018 - 26.8.2018

Studies on the Biodegradation of P-C Compounds – Synthesis of Phosphonic Acids with High ee

Katharina Pallitsch
10th EuCheMS Young Investigator Workshop (YIW 2018)
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
23.8.2018 - 23.8.2018

On the mode of action of two new PhnY and PhnZ homologs

Katharina Pallitsch
22nd International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry<br/>
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
8.7.2018 - 8.7.2018

Unravelling the effect of deoxynivalenol on A431 cells: Proteome profiling and imaging

Giorgia Del Favero , Lukas Janker , Benjamin Neuditschko , Lydia Wölflingseder , Christopher Gerner , Doris Marko
Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2018
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
6.7.2018 - 6.7.2018


Astrid Slany
Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2018 - 2.7.2018

Toxicity of Mycotoxins

Doris Marko , Benedikt Warth , Giorgia Del Favero
Mycotoxin Summer Academy
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2018 - 2.7.2018

Combinatory effects of glutathione-modulation on the toxicity of deoxynivalenol (DON) and NX-3 and its co-regulated metabolite butenolide (BUT)

Lydia Wölflingseder , Giorgia Del Favero , Elke Heiß , Gerhard Adam , Doris Marko
40th Mycotoxin Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
11.6.2018 - 11.6.2018

Curcumin exerts its antitumor effects in a context dependent fashion

Lukas Janker , Dominique Kreutz , Chomdao Sinthuvanich , Andrea Bileck , Astrid Slany , Christopher Gerner
14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2018 - 4.5.2018

Image analysis and proteomic profiling: complementary tools for toxicity studies

Giorgia Del Favero , Lydia Wölflingseder , Lukas Janker , Benjamin Neuditschko , Christopher Gerner , Doris Marko
14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2018 - 4.5.2018

Standardization in metabolomics and lipidomics workflows

Evelyn Rampler , Gerrit Hermann , Michaela Schwaiger-Haber , Yasin El Abiead , Harald Schöny , Gunda Köllensperger
Analytica 2018: 26. Internationale Leitmesse für Labortechnik, Analytik, Biotechnologie und analytica Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.4.2018 - 10.4.2018

Periodic mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles as potential drug delivery vehicles

Siegfried Fürtauer , Justyna Agata Florek , Freddy Kleitz
10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (10. WACÖ)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.3.2018 - 26.3.2018

Die Herausforderungen bei der Identifizierung von polaren Stoffwechselprodukten in Zellen

Michaela Schwaiger , Yasin El Abiead , Evelyn Rampler , Gunda Köllensperger
35. Forum Analytik
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
13.2.2018 - 13.2.2018

From microscopy to numbers: the long way of image analysis

Giorgia Del Favero
Institutsseminar des Institus für Analytische Chemie
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
30.11.2017 - 30.11.2017