
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 455


Bamminger, K, Pichler, V, Vraka, C, Limberger, T, Moneva, B, Pallitsch, K, Lieder, B, Zacher, AS, Ponti, S, Benčurová, K, Yang, J, Högler, S, Kodajova, P, Kenner, L, Hacker, M & Wadsak, W 2024, 'Development and In Vivo Evaluation of Small-Molecule Ligands for Positron Emission Tomography of Immune Checkpoint Modulation Targeting Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1', Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 4036-4062.

Zuffa, S, Schmid, R, Bauermeister, A, Paulo, PW, Caraballo-Rodriguez, AM, El Abiead, Y, Aron, AT, Gentry, EC, Zemlin, J, Meehan, MJ, Avalon, NE, Cichewicz, RH, Buzun, E, Terrazas, MC, Hsu, CY, Oles, R, Ayala, AV, Zhao, J, Chu, H, Kuijpers, MCM, Jackrel, SL, Tugizimana, F, Nephali, LP, Dubery, IA, Madala, NE, Moreira, EA, Costa-Lotufo, LV, Lopes, NP, Rezende-Teixeira, P, Jimenez, PC, Rimal, B, Patterson, AD, Traxler, MF, Pessotti, RDC, Alvarado-Villalobos, D, Tamayo-Castillo, G, Chaverri, P, Escudero-Leyva, E, Quiros-Guerrero, LM, Bory, AJ, Joubert, J, Rutz, A, Wolfender, JL, Allard, PM, Sichert, A, Pontrelli, S, Pullman, BS, Bandeira, N, Gerwick, WH, Gindro, K, Massana-Codina, J, Wagner, BC, Forchhammer, K, Petras, D, Aiosa, N, Garg, N, Liebeke, M, Bourceau, P, Kang, KB, Gadhavi, H, de Carvalho, LPS, Silva dos Santos, M, Pérez-Lorente, AI, Molina-Santiago, C, Romero, D, Franke, R, Brönstrup, M, Vera Ponce de León, A, Pope, PB, La Rosa, SL, La Barbera, G, Roager, HM, Laursen, MF, Hammerle, F, Siewert, B, Peintner, U, Licona-Cassani, C, Rodriguez-Orduña, L, Rampler, E, Hildebrand, F, Koellensperger, G, Schoeny, H, Hohenwallner, K, Panzenboeck, L, Gregor, R, O’Neill, EC, Roxborough, ET, Odoi, J, Bale, NJ, Ding, S, Sinninghe Damsté, JS, Guan, XL, Cui, JJ, Ju, KS, Silva, DB, Silva, FMR, da Silva, GF, Koolen, HHF, Grundmann, C, Clement, JA, Mohimani, H, Broders, K, McPhail, KL, Ober-Singleton, SE, Rath, CM, McDonald, D, Knight, R, Wang, M & Dorrestein, PC 2024, 'microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data', Nature Microbiology, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 336-345.


Riva, A, Rasoulimehrabani, H, Cruz-Rubio, JM, Schnorr, SL, von Baeckmann, C, Inan, D, Nikolov, G, Herbold, CW, Hausmann, B, Pjevac, P, Schintlmeister, A, Spittler, A, Palatinszky, M, Kadunic, A, Hieger, N, Del Favero, G, von Bergen, M, Jehmlich, N, Watzka, M, Lee, KS, Wiesenbauer, J, Khadem, S, Viernstein, H, Stocker, R, Wagner, M, Kaiser, C, Richter, A, Kleitz, F & Berry, D 2023, 'Identification of inulin-responsive bacteria in the gut microbiota via multi-modal activity-based sorting', Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, 8210.

Zangelmi, E, Ruffolo, F, Dinhof, T, Gerdol, M, Malatesta, M, Chin, JP, Rivetti, C, Secchi, A, Pallitsch, K & Peracchi, A 2023, 'Deciphering the role of recurrent FAD-dependent enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism', Iscience, vol. 26, no. 11, 108108.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 455


Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 6

Prone Adiposity

Rampler, E.

Project: Research funding

The synthesis of fluorinated rare sugars

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

FishTox: Novel microalgae toxins

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Project: Research funding

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 6


Showing entries 201 - 202 out of 202

Beer bitter acids regulate mechanisms of gastric acid secretion

Jessica Walker
244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.8.2012 - 19.8.2012

The effects of red wine, white wine and wine constituents on gastric acid secretion in healthy subjects and in parietal cells in culture

Jessica Walker
244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.8.2012 - 19.8.2012

Showing entries 201 - 202 out of 202