
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 476



Labuda, R, Bacher, M, Rosenau, T, Gratzl, H, Doppler, M, Hager, S, Marko, D, Wiesner, C, Očková, M, Ollinger, N, Wagner, M, Schüller, C & Strauss, J 2024, 'Chemical composition of anti-microbially active fractions derived from extract of filamentous fungus Keratinophyton Lemmensii including three novel bioactive compounds', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, 25310.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Torta, F, Hoffmann, N, Burla, B, Alecu, I, Arita, M, Bamba, T, Bennett, SAL, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Cala, MP, Camacho-Muñoz, D, Checa, A, Chen, M, Chocholoušková, M, Cinel, M, Chu-Van, E, Colsch, B, Coman, C, Connell, L, Sousa, BC, Dickens, AM, Fedorova, M, Eiríksson, FF, Gallart-Ayala, H, Ghorasaini, M, Giera, M, Guan, XL, Haid, M, Hankemeier, T, Harms, A, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hornemann, T, Hu, C, Hülsmeier, AJ, Huynh, K, Jones, CM, Ivanisevic, J, Izumi, Y, Köfeler, HC, Lam, SM, Lange, M, Lee, JC, Liebisch, G, Lippa, K, Lopez-Clavijo, AF, Manzi, M, Martinefski, MR, Wolrab, D, Ahrends, R & Wenk, MR 2024, 'Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 8562.

Duswald, K, Pichler, V, Kopatz, V, Limberger, T, Karl, V, Wimberger, D, Zimmerleiter, R, Wadsak, W, Hettich, M, Kenner, L & Brandstetter, M 2024 'Detection of Unlabeled Micro- and Nanoplastics in Unstained Tissue with Optical Photothermal Infrared Spectroscopy'.

Prause, HC, Berk, D, Alves-de-Souza, C, Hansen, PJ, Larsen, TO, Marko, D, Favero, GD, Place, A & Varga, E 2024, 'How relevant are sterols in the mode of action of prymnesins?', Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 276, 107080.

Dick, L, Batista, PR, Zaby, P, Manhart, G, Kopatz, V, Kogler, L, Pichler, V, Grebien, F, Bakos, V, Plósz, BG, Kolev, NZ, Kenner, L, Kirchner, B & Hollóczki, O 2024, 'The adsorption of drugs on nanoplastics has severe biological impact', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, 25853.

Louro, H, Vettorazzi, A, López de Cerain, A, Spyropoulou, A, Solhaug, A, Straumfors, A, Behr, AC, Mertens, B, Žegura, B, Fæste, CK, Ndiaye, D, Spilioti, E, Varga, E, Dubreil, E, Borsos, E, Crudo, F, Eriksen, GS, Snapkow, I, Henri, J, Sanders, J, Machera, K, Gaté, L, Le Hegarat, L, Novak, M, Smith, NM, Krapf, S, Hager, S, Fessard, V, Kohl, Y, Silva, MJ, Dirven, H, Dietrich, J & Marko, D 2024, 'Correction to: Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 2, (425-469), 10.1007/s00204-023-03636-8)', Archives of Toxicology, vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 3513-3514.

Kopczynski, D, Ejsing, CS, McDonald, JG, Bamba, T, Baker, ES, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Coman, C, Ellis, SR, Garrett, TJ, Griffiths, WJ, Guan, XL, Han, X, Höring, M, Holčapek, M, Hoffmann, N, Huynh, K, Lehmann, R, Jones, JW, Kaddurah-Daouk, R, Köfeler, HC, Meikle, PJ, Metz, TO, O’Donnell, VB, Saigusa, D, Schwudke, D, Shevchenko, A, Torta, F, Vizcaíno, JA, Welti, R, Wenk, MR, Wolrab, D, Xia, Y, Ekroos, K, Ahrends, R & Liebisch, G 2024, 'The lipidomics reporting checklist a framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data', Journal of Lipid Research, vol. 65, no. 9, 100621.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 476


Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8

Prone Adiposity

Rampler, E.

Project: Research funding

The synthesis of fluorinated rare sugars

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

FishTox: Novel microalgae toxins

Varga, E., Marko, D. & Del Favero, G.


Project: Research funding

Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8


Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 224

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler , Cristina Coman , Gerrit Hermann , Robert Ahrends , Albert Sickmann , Gunda Köllensperger
Agilent Metabolomics Seminar
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
1.2.2017 - 1.2.2017

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler , Cristina Coman , Gerrit Hermann , Robert Ahrends , Albert Sickmann , Gunda Köllensperger
2. Lipidomics-Forum
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
13.11.2016 - 13.11.2016

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler , Cristina Coman , Gerrit Hermann , Kristaps Klavins , Robert Ahrends , Gunda Köllensperger
2. Lipidomics-Forum
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
13.11.2016 - 13.11.2016

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler
14th Austrian Proteomic Research Symposium (APRS2016)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2016 - 5.9.2016

Production of 13C labeled reference lipids for absolute quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler , Cristina Coman , Gerrit Hermann , Kristaps Klavins , Robert Ahrends , Gunda Köllensperger
14th Austrian Proteomic Research Symposium (APRS2016)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2016 - 5.9.2016

Structure elucidation of some unique biogenic phosphonates

Katharina Pallitsch
The 21st International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC 2016)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
4.6.2016 - 9.6.2016

Deoxynivalenol sulfates: detoxification metabolites?

Giorgia Del Favero
38th Mycotoxin Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
2.5.2016 - 2.5.2016

Contribution of human fibroblasts and endothelial cells to the Hallmarks of Inflammation as determined by proteome profiling

Astrid Slany
1st acib Workshop on Analytical Chemistry
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
31.3.2016 - 31.3.2016

Contribution of human fibroblasts and endothelial cells to the Hallmarks of Inflammation as determined by proteome profiling

Astrid Slany
27th MassSpec Forum Vienna
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
24.2.2016 - 24.2.2016

New insights into tumor biology and drug effects in multiple myeloma obtained by proteome profiling

Astrid Slany
Talk or oral contribution
17.11.2015 - 17.11.2015

Proteomics in cancer research

Astrid Slany
Institutsvorlesungen WS 2014/15
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
15.1.2015 - 15.1.2015

Was schmeckt, kann auch gesund sein!?

Jessica Walker
29. Südtiroler Herbstgespräche: Phytotherapie – Praxis und Wissenschaft
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
23.10.2014 - 23.10.2014

Comparative proteome profiling and targeted proteomics-based drug evaluation

Astrid Slany
8th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference (CEEPC)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2014 - 2.7.2014

Stereochemistry of alpha-Hydroxyphosphonate-Phosphate rearrangement

Katharina Pallitsch , Alexander Roller , Friedrich Hammerschmidt
20th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry Conference - ICPC 2014
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
28.6.2014 - 2.7.2014

Determination of the absolute configuration of the phosphonic acid part of fosfazinomycins.

Katharina Pallitsch , Friedrich Hammerschmidt
15. Österreichische Chemietage
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2013 - 26.9.2013


Katharina Pallitsch
15. Österreichische Chemietage
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2013 - 23.9.2013

Differences and similarities between symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted PtIV complexes with N,(N)-(di)alkylethane-1,2-diamine ligands

Verena Pichler
1st International Symposium on Functional Metal Complexes that Bind to Biomolecules (second Whole Action Meeting of the COST Action CM1105)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
8.9.2013 - 8.9.2013

Characterization of the tumor-promoting effect of stromal cells in multiple myeloma by proteome profiling

Astrid Slany
1st International Symposium on Profiling
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.9.2013 - 2.9.2013

Quantitative analysis of glycoconjugates in the context of biomarker research

Astrid Slany
Talk or oral contribution
30.11.2012 - 30.11.2012


Astrid Slany
Talk or oral contribution
14.10.2012 - 14.10.2012

Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 224