Women in Chemistry - (Career) network for female chemists at the University of Vienna

Who we are

We are a network by and for young female researchers at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vienna. Colleagues support each other in third-party fund-raising from women’s empowerment programs. More experienced researchers advise and guide younger scientists in carrier planning by peer-to-peer mentoring. We share our knowledge in regular meet-ups and via a mailing list. Information and links on upcoming talks and/or events are available on this website.

What we offer

  • A network for junior female researchers at the Faculty of Chemistry
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring
  • Talks of national and international renown scientists
  • Trainings for members and those who interested
  • Exchange of knowledge with other local and international groups supporting female researchers
  • Contact for external inquieries (collaborations, networking, media)


Am 24.+25. Mai 2019 findet das 2. WIOS Symposium an der Wageningen University in den Niederlanden statt. WoChem ist mit Barbara Lieder dabei.


14.1.2019: Workshop on "Women in Science": How to present yourself, your life and your science by coach Kira Ludwig


Das war die Weihnachtsfeier 2018 and der Fakultaet

Hier geht es zu Bildern des Weihnachtsvortrag vom Samuela Pasquali und der Weihnachtsfeier 2018


Weihnachtsvorlesung powered by WoChem

Samuela Pasquali: Molecular modeling: a numerical zoom to help fighting diseases


Unsere WoChem Barbara Lieder leitet zukünftig das neue Christian Doppler Labor am Institut für Physiologische Chemie. Wir gratulieren herzlichst!


uni:view, das Online-Magazin der Universität Wien, hat unser Karrierenetzwerk vorgestellt....
