Workshop on "Women in Science": How to present yourself, your life and your science
We would like to invite all interested young female scientists to our upcoming workshop dealing with the topic “Women in Science” on
Monday, January 14th, 12:00-13:30.
Faculty of Chemistry
Dekanatsbesprechungszimmer (Meeting room of Dean's office)
Waehrigerstrasse 42, 1st floor
1090 Vienna
Our guest Kira Ludwig from Rostock (Germany) is an experienced coach in the field of presenting techniques. She conveys (soft) skills to young scientists for years with enthusiasm. As female coach she is looking forward to give a special workshop for women addressing situations female scientists in particular are confronted with.
When we present ourselves we always find a more or less good and aware compromise between ourselves, the audience and the subject. For women it is always a challenge, as there is no "dress code" for example and their lives and careers are most of the times more colorful than those of men. Internationality is also a big challenge for us, because the reputation of science, the communication and communication-expectation differs a lot in the world.
How can we make the best of it? How can women be successful in their careers, in publishing, in presenting? In this workshop we want to raise awareness for more self consciousness. We will take a closer look on international science communication, discuss our special challenges in presenting and do small exercises on two rhetorical aspects.