Dr. Katharina Pallitsch, Privatdoz. Bakk. MSc
Katharina Pallitsch
Ruffolo, F., Zangelmi, E., Dinhof, T., Malatesta, M., Gerdol, M., Chin, J. P., Secchi, A., Rivetti, C., Pallitsch, K., & Peracchi, A. (2024). Decrypting the function of recurrent ancillary enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism. FEBS Open Bio, 14(Supplement: 2), 153-154. Article P-11-003.

Bamminger, K., Pichler, V., Vraka, C., Limberger, T., Moneva, B., Pallitsch, K., Lieder, B., Zacher, A. S., Ponti, S., Benčurová, K., Yang, J., Högler, S., Kodajova, P., Kenner, L., Hacker, M., & Wadsak, W. (2024). Development and In Vivo Evaluation of Small-Molecule Ligands for Positron Emission Tomography of Immune Checkpoint Modulation Targeting Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 67(5), 4036-4062. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c02342

Zangelmi, E., Ruffolo, F., Dinhof, T., Gerdol, M., Malatesta, M., Chin, J. P., Rivetti, C., Secchi, A., Pallitsch, K., & Peracchi, A. (2023). Deciphering the role of recurrent FAD-dependent enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism. Iscience, 26(11), Article 108108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108108

Ruffolo, F., Dinhof, T., Murray, L., Zangelmi, E., Chin, J. P., Pallitsch, K., & Peracchi, A. (2023). The Microbial Degradation of Natural and Anthropogenic Phosphonates. Molecules, 28(19), Article 6863. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28196863

Scheibelberger, L., Stankovic, T., Liepert, K., Kienzle, A., Patronas, E. M., Balber, T., Mitterhauser, M., Haschemi, A., & Pallitsch, K. (2023). Fluorinated Analogues to the Pentuloses of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26(31), Article e202300339. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejoc.202300339

Gama, S. R., Stankovic, T., Hupp, K., Al Hejami, A., McClean, M., Evans, A., Beauchemin, D., Hammerschmidt, F., Pallitsch, K., & Zechel, D. L. (2022). Biosynthesis of the Fungal Organophosphonate Fosfonochlorin Involves an Iron(II) and 2-(Oxo)glutarate Dependent Oxacyclase. ChemBioChem: a european journal of chemical biology, 23(2), Article e202100352. https://doi.org/10.1002/cbic.202100352

Ungur, L., Pallitsch, K., AlOthman, Z. A., Al-Kahtani, A. A. S., Arion, V. B., & Chibotaru, L. F. (2021). Towards understanding the magnetism of Os(iv) complexes: an ab initio insight. Dalton Transactions, 50(36), 12537-12546. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1dt01558c

Philippe, C., Klebermass, E.-M., Balber, T., Kulterer, O. C., Zeilinger, M., Egger, G., Dumanic, M., Herz, C. T., Kiefer, F. W., Scheuba, C., Scherer, T., Fuernsinn, C., Vraka, C., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Wadsak, W., Viernstein, H., Hacker, M., & Mitterhauser, M. (2021). Discovery of melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 in brown adipose tissue. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1494(1), 70-86. https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.14563

Berroteran-Infante, N., Kalina, T., Fetty, L., Janisch, V., Velasco, R., Vraka, C., Hacker, M., Haug, A. R., Pallitsch, K., Wadsak, W., & Mitterhauser, M. (2019). (R)-[F-18]NEBIFQUINIDE: A promising new PET tracer for TSPO imaging. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 176, 410-418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmech.2019.05.008

Pfaff, S., Philippe, C., Nics, L., Berroteran-Infante, N., Pallitsch, K., Rami-Mark, C., Weidenauer, A., Sauerzopf, U., Willeit, M., Mitterhauser, M., Hacker, M., Wadsak, W., & Pichler, V. (2019). Facilitated troubleshooting in (+)-[C-11]PHNO synthesis by investigation of reagents, byproducts, and intermediates. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 62, 255-257.

Philippe, C., Zeilinger, M., Dumanic, M., Pichler, F., Fetty, L., Vraka, C., Balber, T., Wadsak, W., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Lanzenberger, R., Hacker, M., & Mitterhauser, M. (2019). SNAPshots of the MCHR1: a Comparison Between the PET-Tracers [F-18]FE@SNAP and [C-11]SNAP-7941. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 21(2), 257-268. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11307-018-1212-0

Profile photoKatharina Pallitsch

Department of Organic Chemistry
Postal address: Währingerstraße 38, 1090 Wien
Email: katharina.pallitsch@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-52105 or 52123

Research outputs

Decrypting the function of recurrent ancillary enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism

Ruffolo, F., Zangelmi, E., Dinhof, T., Malatesta, M., Gerdol, M., Chin, J. P., Secchi, A., Rivetti, C., Pallitsch, K. & Peracchi, A., Jun 2024, In: FEBS Open Bio. 14, Supplement: 2, p. 153-154 P-11-003.

Development and In Vivo Evaluation of Small-Molecule Ligands for Positron Emission Tomography of Immune Checkpoint Modulation Targeting Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1

Bamminger, K., Pichler, V., Vraka, C., Limberger, T., Moneva, B., Pallitsch, K., Lieder, B., Zacher, A. S., Ponti, S., Benčurová, K., Yang, J., Högler, S., Kodajova, P., Kenner, L., Hacker, M. & Wadsak, W., 14 Mar 2024, In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 67, 5, p. 4036-4062 27 p.

Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation as a Key Step in the Synthesis of the Phosphonic Acid Analogs of Aminocarboxylic Acids

Dinhof, T., Kalina, T., Stanković, T., Braunsteiner, K., Rohrbach, P., Turhan, E., Gradwohl, A., Königshofer, A., Horak, J. & Pallitsch, K., 22 Dec 2023, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 29, 72, e202302171.

Deciphering the role of recurrent FAD-dependent enzymes in bacterial phosphonate catabolism

Zangelmi, E., Ruffolo, F., Dinhof, T., Gerdol, M., Malatesta, M., Chin, J. P., Rivetti, C., Secchi, A., Pallitsch, K. & Peracchi, A., 17 Nov 2023, In: Iscience. 26, 11, 108108.

Synthesis of 4-Deoxy-4-Fluoro-D-Sedoheptulose: A Promising New Sugar to Apply the Principle of Metabolic Trapping

Scheibelberger, L., Stankovic, T., Pühringer, M., Kählig, H., Balber, T., Patronas, E. M., Rampler, E., Mitterhauser, M., Haschemi, A. & Pallitsch, K., 8 Nov 2023, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 29, 62, e202302277.

The Microbial Degradation of Natural and Anthropogenic Phosphonates

Ruffolo, F., Dinhof, T., Murray, L., Zangelmi, E., Chin, J. P., Pallitsch, K. & Peracchi, A., Oct 2023, In: Molecules. 28, 19, 6863.

Fluorinated Analogues to the Pentuloses of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway

Scheibelberger, L., Stankovic, T., Liepert, K., Kienzle, A., Patronas, E. M., Balber, T., Mitterhauser, M., Haschemi, A. & Pallitsch, K., 14 Aug 2023, In: European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 26, 31, e202300339.

On the Road towards Small-Molecule Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1 Positron Emission Tomography Tracers: A Ligand-Based Drug Design Approach

Bamminger, K., Pichler, V., Vraka, C., Nehring, T., Pallitsch, K., Lieder, B., Hacker, M. & Wadsak, W., Jul 2023, In: Pharmaceuticals. 16, 7, 1051.

The functional importance of bacterial oxidative phosphonate pathways

Pallitsch, K. & Zechel, D. L., Apr 2023, In: Biochemical Society Transactions. 51, 2, p. 487-499 13 p.

Biosynthesis of the Fungal Organophosphonate Fosfonochlorin Involves an Iron(II) and 2-(Oxo)glutarate Dependent Oxacyclase

Gama, S. R., Stankovic, T., Hupp, K., Al Hejami, A., McClean, M., Evans, A., Beauchemin, D., Hammerschmidt, F., Pallitsch, K. & Zechel, D. L., 19 Jan 2022, In: ChemBioChem: a european journal of chemical biology. 23, 2, 8 p., e202100352.

As Similar As Possible, As Different As Necessary - On-Site Laboratory Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mosiagin, I., Pallitsch, K., Klose, S. I., Preinfalk, A. & Maulide, N., 12 Oct 2021, In: Journal of Chemical Education. 98, 10, p. 3143-3152 10 p.

Towards understanding the magnetism of Os(iv) complexes: an ab initio insight

Ungur, L., Pallitsch, K., AlOthman, Z. A., Al-Kahtani, A. A. S., Arion, V. B. & Chibotaru, L. F., Aug 2021, In: Dalton Transactions. 50, 36, p. 12537-12546 10 p.

Discovery of melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 in brown adipose tissue

Philippe, C., Klebermass, E-M., Balber, T., Kulterer, O. C., Zeilinger, M., Egger, G., Dumanic, M., Herz, C. T., Kiefer, F. W., Scheuba, C., Scherer, T., Fuernsinn, C., Vraka, C., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Wadsak, W., Viernstein, H., Hacker, M. & Mitterhauser, M., Jun 2021, In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1494, 1, p. 70-86 17 p.

Overall Retention of Methyl Stereochemistry during B-12-Dependent Radical SAM Methyl Transfer in Fosfomycin Biosynthesis

McLaughlin, M., Pallitsch, K., Wallner, G., van der Donk, W. A. & Hammerschmidt, F., 25 May 2021, In: Biochemistry. 60, 20, p. 1587-1596 10 p.

Discovery of a New, Recurrent Enzyme in Bacterial Phosphonate Degradation: (R)-1-Hydroxy-2-aminoethylphosphonate Ammonia-lyase

Zangelmi, E., Stankovic, T., Malatesta, M., Acquotti, D., Pallitsch, K. & Peracchi, A., 20 Apr 2021, In: Biochemistry. 60, 15, p. 1214-1225 12 p.

C-H Bond Cleavage Is Rate-Limiting for Oxidative C-P Bond Cleavage by the Mixed Valence Diiron-Dependent Oxygenase PhnZ

Gama, S. R., Lo, B. S. Y., Seguin, J., Pallitsch, K., Hammerschmidt, F. & Zechel, D. L., 31 Dec 2019, In: Biochemistry. 58, 52, p. 5271-5280 10 p.

(R)-[F-18]NEBIFQUINIDE: A promising new PET tracer for TSPO imaging

Berroteran-Infante, N., Kalina, T., Fetty, L., Janisch, V., Velasco, R., Vraka, C., Hacker, M., Haug, A. R., Pallitsch, K., Wadsak, W. & Mitterhauser, M., 15 Aug 2019, In: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 176, p. 410-418 9 p.

In vitro Radiopharmaceutical Evidence for MCHR1 Binding Sites in Murine Brown Adipocytes

Balber, T., Bencurova, K., Kiefer, F. W., Kulterer, O. C., Klebermass, E-M., Egger, G., Tran, L., Wagner, K-H., Viernstein, H., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Hacker, M., Wadsak, W., Mitterhauser, M. & Philippe, C., 11 Jun 2019, In: Frontiers in Endocrinology. 10, 324.

Facilitated troubleshooting in (+)-[C-11]PHNO synthesis by investigation of reagents, byproducts, and intermediates

Pfaff, S., Philippe, C., Nics, L., Berroteran-Infante, N., Pallitsch, K., Rami-Mark, C., Weidenauer, A., Sauerzopf, U., Willeit, M., Mitterhauser, M., Hacker, M., Wadsak, W. & Pichler, V., May 2019, In: Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 62, p. 255-257 3 p.

SNAPshots of the MCHR1: a Comparison Between the PET-Tracers [F-18]FE@SNAP and [C-11]SNAP-7941

Philippe, C., Zeilinger, M., Dumanic, M., Pichler, F., Fetty, L., Vraka, C., Balber, T., Wadsak, W., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Lanzenberger, R., Hacker, M. & Mitterhauser, M., 15 Apr 2019, In: Molecular Imaging and Biology. 21, 2, p. 257-268 12 p.

An Oxidative Pathway for Microbial Utilization of Methylphosphonic Acid as a Phosphate Source

Gama, S. R., Vogt, M., Kalina, T., Hupp, K., Hammerschmidt, F., Pallitsch, K. & Zechel, D. L., Apr 2019, In: ACS Chemical Biology. 14, 4, p. 735-741 7 p.

Synthetic Phosphonic Acids as Potent Tools to Study Phosphonate Enzymology

Pallitsch, K., Kalina, T. & Stanković, T., Apr 2019, In: Synlett. 30, 7, p. 770-776 7 p.

Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of new translocator protein ligands designed for positron emission tomography

Kalina, T., Berroterán-Infante, N., Schmitl, S., Vraka, C., Hacker, M., Mitterhauser, M., Pallitsch, K. & Wadsak, W., 1 Mar 2019, In: Future Medicinal Chemistry. 11, 6, p. 539-550 12 p.

Optimization of the Automated Synthesis of [ 11C ]mHED—Administered and Apparent Molar Activities

Vraka, C., Pichler, V., Berroterán-Infante, N., Wollenweber, T., Pillinger, A., Hohensinner, M., Fetty, L., Beitzke, D., Li, X., Philippe, C., Pallitsch, K., Mitterhauser, M., Hacker, M. & Wadsak, W., 14 Jan 2019, In: Pharmaceuticals. 12, 1, 14 p., 12.

Toward the Optimization of (+)-[11C]PHNO Synthesis: Time Reduction and Process Validation

Pfaff, S., Philippe, C., Nics, L., Berroteran-Infante, N., Pallitsch, K., Rami-Mark, C., Weidenauer, A., Sauerzopf, U., Willeit, M., Mitterhauser, M., Hacker, M., Wadsak, W. & Pichler, V., 2019, In: Contrast media & molecular imaging. 2019, 13 p., 4292596.

PcxL and HpxL are flavin-dependent, oxime-forming N-oxidases in phosphonocystoximic acid biosynthesis in Streptomyces

Goettge, M. N., Cioni, J. P., Ju, K-S., Pallitsch, K. & Metcalf, W. W., 4 May 2018, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 293, 18, p. 6859-6868 10 p.

Preclinical in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of [ 18F]FE@SUPPY for Cancer PET Imaging: Limitations of a Xenograft Model for Colorectal Cancer

Balber, T., Singer, J., Berroteran-Infante, N., Dumanic, M., Fetty, L., Fazekas-Singer, J., Vraka, C., Nics, L., Bergmann, M., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Wadsak, W., Hacker, M., Jensen-Jarolim, E., Viernstein, H. & Mitterhauser, M., 2018, In: Contrast media & molecular imaging. 2018, 9 p., 1269830.

Determination of the Absolute Configuration of (-)-Hydroxynitrilaphos and Related Biosynthetic Questions

Pallitsch, K., Happl, B. & Stieger, C., 7 Nov 2017, In: Chemistry: A European Journal. 23, 62, p. 15655-15665 11 p.

Phosphonodifluoropyruvate is a mechanism-based inhibitor of phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase from Bacteroides fragilis

Pallitsch, K., Rogers, M. P., Andrews, F. H., Hammerschmidt, F. & McLeish, M. J., 15 Aug 2017, In: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 25, 16, p. 4368-4374 7 p.

In vivo evaluation of radiotracers targeting the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1: [ 11C]SNAP-7941 and [ 18F]FE@SNAP reveal specific uptake in the ventricular system

Zeilinger, M., Dumanic, M., Pichler, F., Budinsky, L., Wadsak, W., Pallitsch, K., Spreitzer, H., Hacker, M., Mitterhauser, M. & Philippe, C., 14 Aug 2017, In: Scientific Reports. 7, 10 p., 8054.

Towards the biodegradation pathway of fosfomycin

Pallitsch, K., Schweifer, A., Roller, A. & Hammerschmidt, F., 19 Apr 2017, In: Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 15, 15, p. 3276-3285 10 p.

The Stereochemical Course of the α-Hydroxyphosphonate-Phosphate Rearrangement

Pallitsch, K., Roller, A. & Hammerschmidt, F., 6 Jul 2015, In: Chemistry: A European Journal. 21, 28, p. 10200-10206 7 p.

Stereochemistry of alpha-Hydroxyphosphonate-Phosphate rearrangement

Pallitsch, K., Roller, A. & Hammerschmidt, F., 28 Jun 2014.

Crystal structure of PhnZ in complex with substrate reveals a di-iron oxygenase mechanism for catabolism of organophosphonates

van Staalduinen, L. M., McSorley, F. R., Schiessl, K., Seguin, J., Wyatt, P. B., Hammerschmidt, F., Zechel, D. L. & Jia, Z., 8 Apr 2014, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 111, 14, p. 5171-5176 6 p.

Determination of absolute configuration of the phosphonic acid moiety of fosfazinomycins

Schiessl, K., Roller, A. & Hammerschmidt, F., 14 Nov 2013, In: Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 11, 42, p. 7420-7426 7 p.

On the Electronic Structure of mer,trans-[RuCl3(1H-indazole)2(NO)], a Hypothetical Metabolite of the Antitumor Drug Candidate KP1019: An Experimental and DFT Study

Bucinsky, L., Büchel, G., Ponec, R., Rapta, P., Breza, M., Kozisek, J., Gall, M., Biskupic, S., Fronc, M., Schiessl, K., Cuzan, O., Prodius, D., Turta, C., Shova, S., Zajac, D. A. & Arion, V., 2013, In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 14, p. 2505-2519 15 p.


Die ungewöhnlichen Enzyme des P

Pallitsch, K.


Phosphonate-based enzyme inhibitors

Pallitsch, K.


The synthesis of fluorinated rare sugars

Pallitsch, K.


Metabolie pathways revealed - from marine microbes to modern diagnostics

Katharina Pallitsch (Invited speaker)

30 Aug 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The synthesis of bifunctional phosphonic acids to study C-P lyase

Tamara Dinhof (Speaker) & Katharina Pallitsch (Contributor)

12 May 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

From 11C to 18F – Organic Chemistry as Potent Tool in Medicinal Chemistry

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

5 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Studies on the Biodegradation of P-C Compounds - Synthesis of Phosphonic Acids with High ee

Katharina Pallitsch (Invited speaker)

24 Apr 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Synthesis of 1-fluoro-1-deoxysedoheptulose - a possible new PET-tracer for tumour imaging

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

26 Aug 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Studies on the Biodegradation of P-C Compounds – Synthesis of Phosphonic Acids with High ee

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

23 Aug 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

On the mode of action of two new PhnY and PhnZ homologs

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

8 Jul 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A new general strategy for the synthesis of proteinogenic α-aminophosphonic acids of high enantiomeric excess

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker) & Thomas Kalina (Contributor)

25 Sept 201728 Sept 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Structure elucidation of some unique biogenic phosphonates

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

4 Jun 20169 Jun 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Stereochemistry of alpha-Hydroxyphosphonate-Phosphate rearrangement

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker), Alexander Roller (Contributor) & Friedrich Hammerschmidt (Contributor)

28 Jun 20142 Jul 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Determination of the absolute configuration of the phosphonic acid part of fosfazinomycins.

Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker) & Friedrich Hammerschmidt (Speaker)

23 Sept 201326 Sept 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther


Katharina Pallitsch (Speaker)

23 Sept 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Department of Organic Chemistry

Währinger Straße 38-42
1090 Wien
Room: 1109

T: +43-1-4277-52105
